"""Utility functions for autoreject."""
# Authors: Mainak Jas <mainak.jas@telecom-paristech.fr>
# Denis A. Engemann <denis.engemann@gmail.com>
from collections import defaultdict
import warnings
import numpy as np
import mne
from mne import pick_types, pick_info
from mne.io.pick import _picks_to_idx
from mne.channels.interpolation import _do_interp_dots
from mne.forward._field_interpolation import _setup_dots
def _check_ch_locs(chs):
"""Check if channel locations exist.
chs : dict
The channels from info['chs']
locs3d = np.array([ch['loc'][:3] for ch in chs])
return not ((locs3d == 0).all() or
(~np.isfinite(locs3d)).any() or
np.allclose(locs3d, 0.))
def _check_data(epochs, picks, ch_constraint='data_channels', check_loc=True,
BaseEpochs = _get_epochs_type()
if not isinstance(epochs, BaseEpochs):
raise ValueError('Only accepts MNE epochs objects.')
if epochs.preload is False:
raise ValueError('Data must be preloaded.')
n_bads = len(epochs.info['bads'])
picked_info = mne.io.pick.pick_info(epochs.info, picks)
ch_types_picked = {
mne.io.meas_info.channel_type(picked_info, idx)
for idx in range(len(picks))}
if check_loc and not _check_ch_locs(picked_info['chs']):
raise RuntimeError('Valid channel positions are needed '
'for autoreject to work')
# XXX : ch_constraint -> allow_many_types=True | False
supported_channels = ['mag', 'grad', 'eeg', 'hbo', 'hbr', 'ecog', 'seeg']
channel_text = ', '.join(x for x in supported_channels)
message = f'AutoReject only supports {channel_text} currenly.'
if ch_constraint == 'data_channels':
if not all(ch in supported_channels for ch in ch_types_picked):
raise ValueError(message)
elif ch_constraint == 'single_channel_type':
if sum(ch in ch_types_picked for ch in supported_channels) > 1:
raise ValueError(message) # XXX: to check
raise ValueError('bad value for ch_constraint.')
if n_bads > 0:
if verbose is not False:
'%i channels are marked as bad. These will be ignored. '
'If you want them to be considered by autoreject please '
'remove them from epochs.info["bads"].' % n_bads)
def _handle_picks(info, picks):
"""Pick the data channls or return picks."""
if picks is None:
out = mne.pick_types(info, meg=True, eeg=True, ref_meg=False,
fnirs=True, ecog=True, seeg=True, exclude='bads')
out = _picks_to_idx(info, picks, exclude='bads')
return out
def _get_picks_by_type(info, picks):
"""Get the picks grouped by channel type."""
# do magic here
sub_picks_ = defaultdict(list)
keys = list()
for pp in picks:
key = mne.io.pick.channel_type(info=info, idx=pp)
if key not in keys:
picks_by_type = [(kk, sub_picks_[kk]) for kk in keys]
return picks_by_type
[docs]def set_matplotlib_defaults(plt, style='ggplot'):
"""Set publication quality defaults for matplotlib.
plt : instance of matplotlib.pyplot
The plt instance.
import matplotlib
fontsize = 17
params = {'axes.labelsize': fontsize + 2,
'legend.fontsize': fontsize,
'xtick.labelsize': fontsize,
'ytick.labelsize': fontsize,
'axes.titlesize': fontsize + 2}
def _pprint(params, offset=0, printer=repr):
"""Pretty print the dictionary 'params' (copied from sklearn)
params : dict
The dictionary to pretty print
offset : int
The offset in characters to add at the begin of each line.
printer : callable
The function to convert entries to strings, typically
the builtin str or repr
lines : str
The pretty print of the dictionary as a string.
# Do a multi-line justified repr:
options = np.get_printoptions()
np.set_printoptions(precision=5, threshold=64, edgeitems=2)
params_list = list()
this_line_length = offset
line_sep = ',\n' + (1 + offset // 2) * ' '
for i, (k, v) in enumerate(sorted(params.items())):
if type(v) is float:
# use str for representing floating point numbers
# this way we get consistent representation across
# architectures and versions.
this_repr = '%s=%s' % (k, str(v))
# use repr of the rest
this_repr = '%s=%s' % (k, printer(v))
if len(this_repr) > 500:
this_repr = this_repr[:300] + '...' + this_repr[-100:]
if i > 0:
if (this_line_length + len(this_repr) >= 75 or '\n' in this_repr):
this_line_length = len(line_sep)
params_list.append(', ')
this_line_length += 2
this_line_length += len(this_repr)
lines = ''.join(params_list)
# Strip trailing space to avoid nightmare in doctests
lines = '\n'.join(li.rstrip(' ') for li in lines.split('\n'))
return lines
def _pbar(iterable, desc, verbose=True, **kwargs):
raise_error = False
if isinstance(verbose, str):
if verbose not in {"tqdm", "tqdm_notebook", "progressbar"}:
raise_error = True
verbose = bool(verbose)
elif isinstance(verbose, (int, bool)):
verbose = bool(verbose) # this can happen with pickling
raise_error = True
(f"verbose flag only supports boolean inputs. Option {verbose} "
f"coerced into type {bool(verbose)}"), DeprecationWarning)
verbose = bool(verbose)
if raise_error:
raise ValueError(
f"verbose must be a boolean value. Got {repr(verbose)}")
if verbose:
from mne.utils.progressbar import ProgressBar
pbar = ProgressBar(iterable, mesg=desc, **kwargs)
pbar = iterable
return pbar
def _get_epochs_type():
if hasattr(mne.epochs, '_BaseEpochs'):
BaseEpochs = mne.epochs._BaseEpochs
BaseEpochs = mne.epochs.BaseEpochs
return BaseEpochs
def clean_by_interp(inst, picks=None, verbose=True):
"""Clean epochs/evoked by LOOCV.
inst : mne.Evoked | mne.Epochs
The evoked or epochs object.
picks : str | list | slice | None
Channels to include. Slices and lists of integers will be interpreted
as channel indices. In lists, channel *type* strings (e.g.,
``['meg', 'eeg']``) will pick channels of those types, channel *name*
strings (e.g., ``['MEG0111', 'MEG2623']`` will pick the given channels.
Can also be the string values ``'all'`` to pick all channels, or
``'data'`` to pick data channels. None (default) will pick data
channels {'meg', 'eeg'}. Note that channels in ``info['bads']`` *will
be included* if their names or indices are explicitly provided.
verbose : bool
The verbosity of progress messages.
If False, suppress all output messages.
inst_clean : instance of mne.Evoked or mne.Epochs
Instance after interpolation of bad channels.
return _clean_by_interp(inst, picks=picks, verbose=verbose)
def _clean_by_interp(inst, picks=None, dots=None, verbose=True):
inst_interp = inst.copy()
mesg = 'Creating augmented epochs'
picks = _handle_picks(info=inst_interp.info, picks=picks)
BaseEpochs = _get_epochs_type()
ch_names = [inst.info['ch_names'][p] for p in picks]
for ch_idx, (pick, ch) in enumerate(_pbar(list(zip(picks, ch_names)),
desc=mesg, verbose=verbose)):
inst.info['bads'] = [ch]
pick_interp = mne.pick_channels(inst.info['ch_names'], [ch])[0]
data_orig = inst._data[:, pick_interp].copy()
interpolate_bads(inst, picks=picks, dots=dots,
reset_bads=True, mode='fast')
if isinstance(inst, mne.Evoked):
inst_interp.data[pick] = inst.data[pick_interp]
elif isinstance(inst, BaseEpochs):
inst_interp._data[:, pick] = inst._data[:, pick_interp]
raise ValueError('Unrecognized type for inst')
inst._data[:, pick_interp] = data_orig.copy()
inst.info['bads'] = inst_interp.info['bads'].copy()
return inst_interp
def interpolate_bads(inst, picks, dots=None, reset_bads=True, mode='accurate'):
"""Interpolate bad MEG and EEG channels."""
import mne
eeg_picks = set(pick_types(inst.info, meg=False, eeg=True, exclude=[]))
eeg_picks_interp = [p for p in picks if p in eeg_picks]
meg_picks = set(pick_types(inst.info, meg=True, eeg=False, exclude=[]))
meg_picks_interp = [p for p in picks if p in meg_picks]
# to prevent cobyla printf error
with mne.utils.use_log_level('error'):
if len(eeg_picks_interp) > 0:
_interpolate_bads_eeg(inst, picks=eeg_picks_interp)
if len(meg_picks_interp) > 0:
_interpolate_bads_meg_fast(inst, picks=meg_picks_interp,
dots=dots, mode=mode)
if reset_bads is True:
inst.info['bads'] = []
return inst
def _interpolate_bads_eeg(inst, picks=None):
""" Interpolate bad EEG channels.
Operates in place.
inst : mne.io.Raw, mne.Epochs or mne.Evoked
The data to interpolate. Must be preloaded.
picks : str | list | slice | None
Channels to include for interpolation. Slices and lists of integers
will be interpreted as channel indices. In lists, channel *name*
strings (e.g., ``['EEG 01', 'EEG 02']``) will pick the given channels.
None (default) will pick all EEG channels. Note that channels in
``info['bads']`` *will be included* if their names or indices are
explicitly provided.
from mne.bem import _fit_sphere
from mne.utils import logger, warn
from mne.channels.interpolation import _do_interp_dots
from mne.channels.interpolation import _make_interpolation_matrix
import numpy as np
if picks is None:
picks = pick_types(inst.info, meg=False, eeg=True, exclude=[])
picks = _handle_picks(inst.info, picks)
bads_idx = np.zeros(len(inst.ch_names), dtype=bool)
goods_idx = np.zeros(len(inst.ch_names), dtype=bool)
bads_idx[picks] = [inst.ch_names[ch] in inst.info['bads'] for ch in picks]
if len(picks) == 0 or bads_idx.sum() == 0:
goods_idx[picks] = True
goods_idx[bads_idx] = False
pos = inst._get_channel_positions(picks)
# Make sure only good EEG are used
bads_idx_pos = bads_idx[picks]
goods_idx_pos = goods_idx[picks]
pos_good = pos[goods_idx_pos]
pos_bad = pos[bads_idx_pos]
# test spherical fit
radius, center = _fit_sphere(pos_good)
distance = np.sqrt(np.sum((pos_good - center) ** 2, 1))
distance = np.mean(distance / radius)
if np.abs(1. - distance) > 0.1:
warn('Your spherical fit is poor, interpolation results are '
'likely to be inaccurate.')
logger.info('Computing interpolation matrix from {0} sensor '
interpolation = _make_interpolation_matrix(pos_good, pos_bad)
logger.info('Interpolating {0} sensors'.format(len(pos_bad)))
_do_interp_dots(inst, interpolation, goods_idx, bads_idx)
def _interpolate_bads_meg_fast(inst, picks, mode='accurate',
"""Interpolate bad channels from data in good channels."""
# We can have pre-picked instances or not.
# And we need to handle it.
inst_picked = True
if len(inst.ch_names) > len(picks):
picked_info = pick_info(inst.info, picks)
dots = _pick_dots(dots, picks, picks)
inst_picked = False
picked_info = inst.info.copy()
def get_picks_bad_good(info, picks_meg):
picks_good = [p for p in picks_meg
if info['ch_names'][p] not in info['bads']]
# select the bad meg channel to be interpolated
if len(info['bads']) == 0:
picks_bad = []
picks_bad = [p for p in picks_meg
if info['ch_names'][p] in info['bads']]
return picks_meg, picks_good, picks_bad
picks_meg, picks_good, picks_bad = get_picks_bad_good(
picked_info, range(picked_info['nchan']))
# return without doing anything if there are no meg channels
if len(picks_meg) == 0 or len(picks_bad) == 0:
# we need to make sure that only meg channels are passed here
# as the MNE interpolation code is not fogriving.
# This is why we picked the info.
mapping = _fast_map_meg_channels(
picked_info, pick_from=picks_good, pick_to=picks_bad,
dots=dots, mode=mode)
# the downside is that the mapping matrix now does not match
# the unpicked info of the data.
# Since we may have picked the info, we need to double map
# the indices.
_, picks_good_, picks_bad_orig = get_picks_bad_good(
inst.info, picks)
ch_names_a = [picked_info['ch_names'][pp] for pp in picks_bad]
ch_names_b = [inst.info['ch_names'][pp] for pp in picks_bad_orig]
assert ch_names_a == ch_names_b
if not inst_picked:
picks_good_ = [pp for pp in picks if pp in picks_good_]
assert len(picks_good_) == len(picks_good)
ch_names_a = [picked_info['ch_names'][pp] for pp in picks_good]
ch_names_b = [inst.info['ch_names'][pp] for pp in picks_good_]
assert ch_names_a == ch_names_b
_do_interp_dots(inst, mapping, picks_good_, picks_bad_orig)
def _compute_dots(info, mode='fast', *, templates):
"""Compute all-to-all dots."""
from mne.forward._lead_dots import _do_self_dots, _do_cross_dots
from mne.forward._make_forward import _create_meg_coils, _read_coil_defs
from mne.bem import _check_origin
if templates is None:
templates = _read_coil_defs(verbose='error')
coils = _create_meg_coils(info['chs'], 'normal', info['dev_head_t'],
my_origin = _check_origin((0., 0., 0.04), info)
int_rad, noise, lut_fun, n_fact = _setup_dots(mode, info, coils, 'meg')
self_dots = _do_self_dots(int_rad, False, coils, my_origin, 'meg',
lut_fun, n_fact, n_jobs=1)
cross_dots = _do_cross_dots(int_rad, False, coils, coils,
my_origin, 'meg', lut_fun, n_fact).T
return self_dots, cross_dots
def _pick_dots(dots, pick_from, pick_to):
if dots is None:
return dots
self_dots, cross_dots = dots
self_dots = self_dots[pick_from, :][:, pick_from]
cross_dots = cross_dots[pick_to, :][:, pick_from]
return [self_dots, cross_dots]
def _fast_map_meg_channels(info, pick_from, pick_to,
dots=None, mode='fast'):
from mne.io.pick import pick_info
from mne.forward._field_interpolation import _compute_mapping_matrix
from mne.forward._make_forward import _create_meg_coils, _read_coil_defs
from mne.bem import _check_origin
miss = 1e-4 # Smoothing criterion for MEG
info_from = pick_info(info, pick_from, copy=True)
templates = _read_coil_defs(verbose='error')
coils_from = _create_meg_coils(info_from['chs'], 'normal',
info_from['dev_head_t'], templates)
my_origin = _check_origin((0., 0., 0.04), info_from)
int_rad, noise, lut_fun, n_fact = _setup_dots(mode, info_from,
coils_from, 'meg')
# This function needs a clean input. It hates the presence of other
# channels than MEG channels. Make sure all is picked.
if dots is None:
dots = self_dots, cross_dots = _compute_dots(
info, mode=mode, templates=templates)
self_dots, cross_dots = dots
self_dots, cross_dots = _pick_dots(dots, pick_from, pick_to)
ch_names = [c['ch_name'] for c in info_from['chs']]
fmd = dict(kind='meg', ch_names=ch_names,
origin=my_origin, noise=noise, self_dots=self_dots,
surface_dots=cross_dots, int_rad=int_rad, miss=miss)
# XXX: hack to silence _compute_mapping_matrix
with mne.utils.use_log_level('error'):
fmd['data'] = _compute_mapping_matrix(fmd, info_from)
return fmd['data']
def _get_channel_type(epochs, picks):
"""return whether a set of picks are all meg or all eeg channels."""
picked_info = mne.io.pick.pick_info(epochs.info, picks)
ch_types_picked = {
mne.io.meas_info.channel_type(picked_info, idx)
for idx in range(len(picks))}
invalid_ch_types_present = [key for key in ch_types_picked
if key not in ['mag', 'grad', 'eeg'] and
key in epochs]
if len(invalid_ch_types_present) > 0:
raise ValueError('Invalid channel types present in epochs.'
' Expected ONLY `meg` or ONLY `eeg`. Got %s'
% ', '.join(invalid_ch_types_present))
has_meg = any(kk in ch_types_picked for kk in ('mag', 'grad'))
if 'eeg' in ch_types_picked and has_meg:
raise ValueError('Got mixed channel types. Pick either eeg or meg'
' but not both')
if 'eeg' in ch_types_picked:
return 'eeg'
elif has_meg:
return 'meg'
raise ValueError('Oh no! Your channel type is not known.')