Source code for autoreject.ransac

"""RANSAC code

The code is adopted from the PREP pipeline written in MATLAB: This implementation
also works for MEG data.

# Authors: Mainak Jas <>
#          Simon Kern

import numpy as np
from joblib import Parallel, delayed

import mne
from mne.channels.interpolation import _make_interpolation_matrix
from mne.parallel import parallel_func
from mne.utils import check_random_state

from .utils import _pbar, _handle_picks
from .utils import _check_data, _get_channel_type

[docs]class Ransac(object): """RANSAC algorithm to find bad sensors and repair them. Implements RAndom SAmple Consensus (RANSAC) method to detect bad sensors. Parameters ---------- n_resample : int Number of times the sensors are resampled. min_channels : float Fraction of sensors for robust reconstruction. min_corr : float Cut-off correlation for abnormal wrt neighbours. unbroken_time : float Cut-off fraction of time sensor can have poor RANSAC predictability. n_jobs : int Number of parallel jobs. random_state : int | np.random.RandomState | None The seed of the pseudo random number generator to use. Defaults to 435656. picks : str | list | slice | None Channels to include. Slices and lists of integers will be interpreted as channel indices. In lists, channel *name* strings (e.g., ``['MEG0111', 'MEG2623']``) will pick the given channels. None (default) will pick data channels {'meg', 'eeg'}. Note that channels in ``info['bads']`` *will be included* if their names or indices are explicitly provided. verbose : bool The verbosity of progress messages. If False, suppress all output messages. Notes ----- The window_size is automatically set to the epoch length. References ---------- [1] Bigdely-Shamlo, Nima, et al. "The PREP pipeline: standardized preprocessing for large-scale EEG analysis." Frontiers in neuroinformatics 9 (2015). [2] Mainak Jas, Denis Engemann, Yousra Bekhti, Federico Raimondo, and Alexandre Gramfort, "Autoreject: Automated artifact rejection for MEG and EEG." arXiv preprint arXiv:1612.08194, 2016. """ def __init__(self, n_resample=50, min_channels=0.25, min_corr=0.75, unbroken_time=0.4, n_jobs=1, random_state=435656, picks=None, verbose=True): """Initialize Ransac object.""" self.n_resample = n_resample self.min_channels = min_channels self.min_corr = min_corr self.unbroken_time = unbroken_time self.n_jobs = n_jobs self.random_state = random_state self.verbose = verbose self.picks = picks def _iterate_epochs(self, epochs, idxs): n_channels = len(self.picks) corrs = np.zeros((len(idxs), n_channels)) for i, idx in enumerate(_pbar(idxs, desc='Iterating epochs', verbose=self.verbose)): data = epochs.get_data()[idx, self.picks] corrs[i, :] = self._compute_correlations(data) return corrs def _get_random_subsets(self, info): """ Get random channels""" # have to set the seed here, as here the only part with randomization # occurs. However, all subsets are precomputed outside of Parallel, # therefore, we can simply compute them once rng = check_random_state(self.random_state) picked_info =, self.picks) n_channels = len(picked_info['ch_names']) # number of channels to interpolate from n_samples = int(np.round(self.min_channels * n_channels)) # get picks for resamples, but ignore channels marked as bad bad_chs = info['bads'] ch_list = [ch for ch in picked_info['ch_names'] if ch not in bad_chs] assert len(ch_list) >= n_samples, 'too many channels marked as bad,'\ 'cannot perform interpolation with'\ f'min_channels={self.min_channels}' # randomly sample subsets of good channels ch_subsets = list() for idx in range(self.n_resample): picks = rng.choice(ch_list, size=n_samples, replace=False) picks = [str(p) for p in picks] # convert from str-array to string ch_subsets.append(picks) return ch_subsets def _get_mappings(self, inst, ch_subsets): from .utils import _fast_map_meg_channels picked_info =, self.picks) pos = np.array([ch['loc'][:3] for ch in picked_info['chs']]) ch_names = picked_info['ch_names'] n_channels = len(ch_names) pick_to = range(n_channels) mappings = list() # Try different channel subsets for subset in _pbar(ch_subsets, desc='interpolating channels', verbose=self.verbose): # don't do the following as it will sort the channels! # pick_from = pick_channels(ch_names, ch_subsets[idx]) pick_from = np.array([ch_names.index(name) for name in subset]) mapping = np.zeros((n_channels, n_channels)) if self.ch_type == 'meg': mapping[:, pick_from] = _fast_map_meg_channels( picked_info.copy(), pick_from, pick_to) elif self.ch_type == 'eeg': mapping[:, pick_from] = _make_interpolation_matrix( pos[pick_from], pos[pick_to], alpha=1e-5) mappings.append(mapping) mappings = np.concatenate(mappings) return mappings def _compute_correlations(self, data): """Compute correlation between prediction and real data.""" mappings = self.mappings_ n_channels, n_times = data.shape # get the predictions y_pred = y_pred = y_pred.reshape((n_times, len(self.picks), self.n_resample), order='F') # pool them using median # XXX: weird that original implementation sorts and takes middle value. # Isn't really the median if n_resample even y_pred = np.median(y_pred, axis=-1) # compute correlation num = np.sum(data.T * y_pred, axis=0) denom = (np.sqrt(np.sum(data.T ** 2, axis=0)) * np.sqrt(np.sum(y_pred ** 2, axis=0))) corr = num / denom return corr
[docs] def fit(self, epochs): """Perform RANSAC on the given epochs. Steps: #. Interpolate all channels from a subset of channels (fraction denoted as `min_channels`), repeat `n_resample` times. #. See if correlation of interpolated channels to original channel is above 75% per epoch (`min_corr`) #. If more than `unbroken_time` fraction of epochs have a lower correlation than that, add channel to ``self.bad_chs_`` Parameters ---------- epochs : mne.Epochs An Epochs object with data to perform RANSAC on Returns ------- self : Ransac The updated instance with the list of bad channels accessible by ``self.bad_chs_`` """ self.picks = _handle_picks(, picks=self.picks) _check_data(epochs, picks=self.picks, ch_constraint='single_channel_type', verbose=self.verbose) self.ch_type = _get_channel_type(epochs, self.picks) n_epochs = len(epochs) _, _, n_jobs = parallel_func(self._get_mappings, self.n_jobs) parallel = Parallel(n_jobs, verbose=10 if self.verbose else 0) # create `n_resample` different random subsamples of channels, # with each subsample set containing `min_channels` amount of # random channels from the list of all channels. self.ch_subsets_ = self._get_random_subsets( # compute mappings with possibility of parallelization # max n_resample splits possible n_splits = min(n_jobs, self.n_resample) ch_subsets_split = np.array_split(self.ch_subsets_, n_splits) delayed_func = delayed(self._get_mappings) # no random seed needs to be supplied to get_mappings, as there is # no random subsampling happening here mappings = parallel(delayed_func(epochs, ch_subset) for ch_subset in ch_subsets_split) self.mappings_ = np.concatenate(mappings) # compute correlations with possibility of parallelization delayed_func = delayed(self._iterate_epochs) n_splits = min(n_jobs, n_epochs) # max n_epochs splits possible epoch_idxs_splits = np.array_split(np.arange(n_epochs), n_splits) corrs = parallel(delayed_func(epochs, idxs) for idxs in epoch_idxs_splits) self.corr_ = np.concatenate(corrs) if self.verbose is not False: print('[Done]') # compute how many windows is a sensor RANSAC-bad self.bad_log = np.zeros_like(self.corr_) self.bad_log[self.corr_ < self.min_corr] = 1 bad_log = self.bad_log.sum(axis=0) bad_idx = np.where(bad_log > self.unbroken_time * n_epochs)[0] if len(bad_idx) > 0: self.bad_chs_ = [['ch_names'][self.picks[p]] for p in bad_idx] else: self.bad_chs_ = list() return self
def transform(self, epochs): epochs = epochs.copy() _check_data(epochs, picks=self.picks, ch_constraint='single_channel_type', verbose=self.verbose)['bads'] = self.bad_chs_ epochs.interpolate_bads(reset_bads=True) return epochs def fit_transform(self, epochs): return
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