:orphan: .. _whats_new: 0.2 --- Changelog ~~~~~~~~~ - Introduced a new method :meth:`autoreject.AutoReject.save` and function :func:`autoreject.read_auto_reject` for IO of autoreject objects, by `Mainak Jas`_ in `#120 `_ - Make MEG interpolation faster by precomputing dot products for the interpolation, by `Mainak Jas`_ in `#122 `_ - Add default option for `param_range` in :func:`autoreject.validation_curve`, by `Alex Gramfort`_ in `#129 `_ Bug ~~~ - Fixed bug in picking bad channels during interpolation. This bug only affects users who got an assertion error when running :class:`autoreject.Autoreject`. Fixed by `Mainak Jas`_ in `#115 `_ - Added check for channel locations so that autoreject does not hang when the channel positions are nan. Fixed by `Mainak Jas`_ in `#130 `_ - Fixed bug in random seed for the Ransac algorithm when n_jobs > 1, by `Legrand Nico`_ and `Mainak Jas`_ in `#138 `_ API ~~~ - Added `ch_types` argument to :func:`autoreject.get_rejection_threshold` to find rejection thresholds for only subset of channel types in the data, by `Mainak Jas`_ in `#140 `_ .. _Mainak Jas: https://perso.telecom-paristech.fr/mjas/ .. _Legrand Nico: https://legrandnico.github.io/ .. _Alex Gramfort: http://alexandre.gramfort.net .. _Marcin Koculak: https://mkoculak.github.io/